Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1: "Slow" Food

Let me start by saying that the quality of meals here in Italy are indeed true to my first impression on day one. I figured that the four course lunch during the first few days were a means to either impress me, please me, or a tradition they only practiced every once in awhile. However, I was misled; it is not just a show. I have been continually proven false at every meal thinking that maybe this time we eat only pasta, but then out comes the meat and vegetables from the garden. And I know what always follows that: delicious fruit for dessert. I've eaten more peaches in these past two weeks than I have in four years! Usually two per day. The table is always set with linen and plates and glasses put out as if it were dinner time. The time it must take to prepare these meals is mind boggling for me....however, these meals are only cooked by those who love and cherish the effort it takes to make them. That is why everyday people continue to come home from work with a 3 hour lunch break and sit around the table. A cafe (espresso) always concludes the meal. And then, don't starts all over again at dinner (but with wine!).

The backyard garden is constructed with organic and innovative ways to hold the tomatoes upright.

Process of turning red.

Tomatoes are stored in a shed by the grandparents when they are is then our job to eat them!

Today we were given fresh zucchini by the neighbors. You can see the "fuzz" on them which means they are fresh.

So....using the zucchini, Massimo cooked pasta for lunch...he sauteed the zucchini with onions and the zucchini flowers in olive oil....add a little fresh mozzarella, toss with with grated Parmesan and "Buon Appetito"!


  1. Loving your photography Jordan! You certainly have talent in that area too as well as your writing! I am enjoying reading your blog! Hope you are enjoying your travels! Momma Guch

  2. Thank you... You are right up there in the good cookin' category. I hope you had fun in France!
